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  1. Add Administrative Users for Reviews

    Users must be granted permissions to view and edit reviews before they can access and configure the review questionnaire at . You can also specify permissions that only allow users to access review data and reports ...
  2. Validate Online Reviews

    Monitors can record reviews online with any Internet-connected device while present at the childcare center. Once these reviews are completed and finalized, they appear in your Minute Menu CX database at Pending status. The next step is to validate ...
  3. Delete In-Progress Reviews

    You can delete in-progress reviews, if needed. Log in to . Use the same credentials you use to access Minute Menu CX. From the menu to the left, click Reviews . Click Review Centers . The Review Centers page opens. Click ...
  4. Require Signatures for Desk Reviews

    When completing desk reviews, you can require that a center representative digitally sign to acknowledge they received a copy of the Review report. You can toggle this option on and off when finalizing the review. The review will not be complete un...
  5. Complete the Review Questionnaire

    Once a Monitor is ready to review a center, they can log in to KidKare on any device and complete the review. Completing the Review Questionnaire in KidKare Log in to . Use the same credentials you use to access Minute Menu C...
  6. Customize the Center Review Questionnaire

    KidKare by Minute Menu provides an initial questionnaire, but you can customize it to fit your agency and state's needs. Updating this questionnaire updates the final review form your Monitors complete in KidKare. To update your questionnaire: ...
  7. Error Codes 106-109

    Click a link in the table of contents below to jump to a specific definition. When finished, click the green and white arrow to the bottom-right to return to the table of contents. Error Codes in This Article Error 106 Some children claime...
  8. About Grains Ounce Equivalents

    As of October 1, 2021 , all food program participants must use grain ounce equivalents when serving Bread/Alt and Infant Cereal food items. The Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) defines an ounce equivalent as “…the amount of food produc...
  9. Manage Ounce Equivalents on Menus

    As of October 1, 2021, the USDA requires that all grains served be recorded using ounce equivalents instead of standard units of measurement. This requirement applies to both the Bread/Alt and Infant Cereal components. To accommodate this policy and...
  10. Ounce Equivalents for Centers

    Once you enable policy M.17 to use ounce equivalents in CX and KidKare and update your food list, your centers will be able to: Override the ounce equivalents calculation saved to the food list when recording menus in CX and KidKare. View all e...