The Manage School Calendar window allows you to add school out days for your sites. This is useful for setting up summer vacation, holidays, or extended school closures. Adding school out dates to the calendar removes the requirement that sites select School Out when checking children in for the day.
You can add school out days per child, center, school, or school district. You can also add school out days for all children and all centers at once.
- Click the Select Center drop-down menu in the top of the application window and select a center.
- Click the Menus/Attendance menu and select Manage School Calendar. The Manage School Calendar window opens.
- Select one of the following options:
- Choose Specific Child
- Selected Center
- Select Specific School
- School District
- All Children, All Centers
- Do one of the following to add School Out days:
- Double-click a day to add a School Out day.
- Click the starting day on the calendar, hold down Shift on your keyboard, and click the ending day on the calendar. Then, right-click the calendar and select Add School Out. If the center is an ARAS center, and the school out day is not ARAS-eligible, select Add School Out (Not At-Risk) instead.
- To remove School Out Days, right-click School Out and select Remove School Out. You can also double-click School Out to remove the day.