Error Codes 67-105

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Error Codes in This Article

Error 67

Child not Participating in CACFP has been Removed from Claim Totals

You can enroll children who are specifically designated as not participating in the CACFP. Policy D.10 will enable the Participates box in the Manage Child Information Oversight tab. Children who do not have this box  checked will specifically be excluded from claim totals, and, unless Policy D.10b is set to Yes, these children are also excluded from any FRP participation counts/blended rates.

Note: This edit check is skipped for At-Risk-only centers and the At-Risk potion of a claim for regular centers that operate At-Risk programs (and these children are reimbursed).

Error 68

School Aged Child Served Breakfast without Documentation

This error is generated if a school-aged child is served Breakfast and does not have a check in the School Aged Documentation box in the Manage Child Information Oversight tab. This is subject to state policies (some states require special documentation for school aged children who are served breakfast) and Policy D.18.

Error 69

Child Claimed after IEF Expired. Child Reimbursed as Paid, Regardless of Classification

You can configure Minute Menu CX to record an Income Eligibility Expiration Date that is distinct from the enrollment form. Normally, this isn't necessary, as the enrollment and income eligibility forms are received/updated simultaneously. However, if you need to record distinct dates, you can do so via Policy F.8. This will enable an IEF Expiration date box in the Manage Child Information Oversight tab.

If a child is claimed in a month in which this date expires (unless the date expires on the last day of the month), that entire month and any month thereafter, the child is treated as Paid, regardless of what FRP Reimbursement Level the child has.

Note: This may be changed subject to update guidance from the USDA, such as that the child keeps their existing FRP Reimbursement Level for the month in which the IEF expires and reverts to Paid only in subsequent months.

This edit check is skipped for At-Risk-only centers or the At-Risk portion of a claim for regular centers that also operate At-Risk programs, as all At-Risk children are classified as Free.

Note: This warning also displays on the Center Error report by default. This is to remind centers to get new income eligibility forms.

Error 70

Child's In/Out Times Indicate Child Not Present at Meal

This error is generated if a child's In/Out times don't cover the time of meal service, subject to Policy L.4. For example, a Breakfast may be scheduled for 8AM - 9AM, but the child does not arrive until 11:00AM and is marked at Breakfast. In/Out time data is entered via the Record Daily Attendance + Meal counts function. If the Skip box is checked for the child, this edit check is skipped.

This error can sometimes also be generated when there is bad meal time data in the Manage Center Information License/Schedule tab. For example, lunch times starting at 11:30PM or ending at 12:30AM can generate erroneous messages on the OER.

Error 71

A Meal was Claimed for a Meal Missing a Start/End Time Pair in the Center's File

This error is generated any time a meal doesn't have a properly defined starting and ending time in the Manage Center Information License/Schedule tab, subject to Policy L.4.

Error 72

Child's In/Out Times were Missing or Incomplete for the Day

This error is generated if a child is noted as In, but does not have an Out time (or vice versa) recorded in the Record Daily Attendance + Meal Counts window, subject to Policy L.4. If the Skip box is checked for the child, this edit check is skipped.

Error 73

Child wasn't Claimed for a Meal, but In/Out Times Show Child was Present During Meal Service

If Policy L.4 is set to Yes, this error will list any child not marked as served at a meal, but who should have been, based on the child's In/Out times as entered for the day. For example, if a child has an In/Out pair of 7:00AM - 4:00PM, Breakfast is noted as being served from 8:00AM - 9:00AM, and the child isn't marked as present in the Record Daily Attendance + Meal Counts window, the child is listed here. This error is a warning only, since it indicates possible accidental under-counting.

Note: This warning is listed on the Center Error report by default. This is to highlight any potential data entry errors to the center.

Errors 74-76, 80, 84-86, & 90

Meal Over Age Group Capacity

Some states require age group-specific capacity checking. If your state does require this, additional capacity fields display in the Manage Center Information License/Schedule tab. For example, you may have an Inf, Tod, Pre, or Sch field to record specific capacity values.

When recording age group-specific capacities, the system allows you to designate that groups can be combined for capacity purposes by including a negative sign for the capacity value. For example, a license may indicate that a total of 20 infants and toddlers and 30 preschoolers and school-age children can be recorded, for a total of 50 children overall. You would document this as follows:


Error 77

The Child was Claimed After Previous Enrollment Expired and Before New Enrollment Became Effective

The process of using historic data, controlled by Policy D.22, makes it possible for agencies to track a gap in enrollment periods, where one year's enrollment form expires and a month passes before a new one is received. This gap is visible by accessing the Manage Child Information window and selecting the relevant historic claim month. The Old Dates section displays, as does a value for the old enrollment's Expiration. Compare this to the new Current Enrollment Form date. 

This error is generated for any dates claimed in between those two values.

Error 78

Quantity of Food Prepared was Less Than Quantity Required

This error is controlled by Policy M.01d (assuming Policy M.02 is set to Y) and only works properly if users are allowed to record actual quantities offered/prepared is less than the value required as computed by Minute Menu CX. This error is generated if the value users record in Record Menus for actual quantities offered/prepared is less than the value required as computed by Minute Menu CX. 

To compare the two values, print the Menu Production Record and compare the Quantity Needed Per Actual Attendance field with the Actual Qty Prepared field. The Actual Qty Prepared field represents the value a user entered and must be higher than the value in the Quantity Needed Per Actual Attendance field.

Error 79

Quantity of Food Prepared was Recorded with a Measurement Type Inconsistent with the Quantity Required

This error is generated when the quantity measurement type entered by the user cannot be compared against the the quantity as computed by Minute Menu CX. This is typically the result of user error. For example, someone may have recorded that they served four gallons of ground beef, when they meant to enter pounds. This error is controlled by the following policies: M.01, M.01d, and M.02.

Error 81

No Infant Form on File

This error is generated if an infant is claimed and the Infant Form on File box is not checked in the Manage Child Information Child tab, subject to Policy D.24.

Error 82

A Withdrawn Child is Claimed Prior to the Date of Withdrawal, but the Child was Never Activated Before Being Withdrawn

This error is generated when a withdrawn child who was never activated is claimed prior to the withdrawal date. For example, a center enrolls a child and the sponsor never activates the child. The center begins claiming the pending child, but the child withdraws from care a few days later. So, the center withdraws the pending child and designates a withdrawal date as the last date the child was in care. When the center submits their claim, the child is claimed prior to the withdrawal date, but was never activated.

If you've received a valid enrollment for for the child and want to activate them, use the Activate New Children function to do so. Ensure you check the Include Withdrawn Children Who Were Never Activated box.

Error 83

Menu Notes/Comments Have Been Supplied

This warning is generated if infant/non-infant special notes are added to Record Menus. This is to advise you to look at the notes. This warning is not generated if Policy M.05 is set to Y. To review menu notes, click the Reports menu, select Menus, and click Menu Notes Report.

Error 87

Milk Audit Resulted in Milk Shortage

This error is generated in the event that Milk Audit edit checks are set to warn or disallow via Policy M.06, and milk audit disallowances are set to be applied using a monthly percentage and not to specific meals via Policy M.06f. It notes a shortage and a the number of meals disallowed as a result. For more information about the milk audit, see Review the Milk Audit .

Error 88

For-Profit Center Does not Have at Least 25% Free or Reduced (At-Risk Still Allowed)

This is a variation of Error 53. This variation occurs if a dual child care center + At-Risk facility is prevented from filling the child care center claim only.

Error 89

Review Checked for Over Capacity

This error is generated on the claim if you checked the Over Capacity box in the Meals tab when editing a review.

Error 91

Infant Served Whose Parent Refuses Food

n most cases, infants can be reimbursed regardless of whether the parent brings food or not. This is because the labor involved with providing  breast milk to infants is such that USDA policy reimburses the meals. However, Policy D.27 allows you to configure Minute Menu CX to disallow reimbursement for any infant for whom the parent refused the food offered by the center. You can apply this to an infant of any age or to infants that are 8-11 months old, since younger infants only require breast milk or formula.

Error 92

A Pending Child was Claimed—No Signed Enrollment is on File—But the Child has an F/R/P Application

This error is generated if a Pending child who does not have a FRP reimbursement level set is claimed, but only if Policy F.5b is set to including Pending children in the rate for the claim (as Paid).

Note: The error behavior seems to be the opposite of error language. Contact Minute Menu CX support if you receive this error.

Error 93

This error is exactly like Error 92, except it applies to children who were withdrawn and never activated.

Error 94

A Child has Neither an Enrollment Form nor an F/R/P Application on File

This error is generated if a child is Pending and the child does not have an FRP reimbursement level set, but only if Policy F.4 is set to B (Both — No App & No Enrollment).

Error 95

At-Risk children served outside of school year.

This error is generated when an At-Risk child is served an At-Risk meal on a date prior to the school Start Date, or after the school End Date set on the Manage School Calendar screen for the specified child or center, school, district, or for all children, all centers.  To view or edit the At)Risk Program school dates, go to Menus/Attendance > Manage School Calendar. 

Error 96  

At-Risk children served more than 1 meal & 1 snack.

This error is generated if an At-Risk center claims more than one meal and one snack per day to an At-Risk child outside of regular school hours during the school year.  

Error 97 

At-Risk children served a meal when child should have been in school.

This error is generated if a child has been fed a meal during normal school hours during the school year and a School Out designation has not been created for that day on the Manage School Calendar for the specific child or center, school, district, or all children, all centers.

To resolve this, mark school out on the days the At-Risk children are not attending school. See Manage School Out Days.


Error 98

Food was Claimed on a Date that Fell After the Food's Effective End Date

This error is generated when foods are claimed after their effective End dates. These foods are automatically disallowed. For more information about managing your foods, see Manage Your Food List.

Error 99

Food was Claimed on a Date that Fell Before the Food's Effective Start Date

This error is generated when foods are claimed before their effective start date. These foods are disallowed. For more information about managing your foods, see Manage Your Food List.

Error 100

At Least 1 Serving of Bread/Alternate Per Day Must be Whole Grain-Rich

This error is generated if none of the bread/alternate servings for a given day were marked as whole grain-rich. The meal pattern requires that at least one serving of bread/alternate must be whole grain-rich. Policy E.3 determines whether this error is generated as a warning or a disallowance. The meal with the lowest reimbursement will be the meal with an error. For example, a snack will be found in error before meals, and breakfasts will be found in error before lunches and dinners. Only those meals and snacks that included a bread/alternate are included.

Error 101

A Particular Type of Food was Served too Often. Consider Other Foods for a Better Variety

This error is generated if food served violates a food rule you have set up. Each of your food rules can be set to warn or disallow. For more information about managing  food rules, see Create Food Rules.

Error 102

An Insufficient Combination of Foods were Served at the Given Meal(s)

This error is generated if food served violates a food combination rule you have set up. Each of your food rules can be set to warn or disallow. For more information about managing  food rules, see Create Food Rules.

Error 103

A Meal was Served in which Two or More components May Have Been Provided by the Parent

This error is generated if an infant's record indicates that the parent supplies formula/food and the center serves a meal that contains two or more meal components (excluding formula/breast milk). Policy D.27b determines whether this error is generated as a warning or as a disallowance.

Error 104

The Child's Infant Feeding Form Indicates Parent Supplies Formula and Food

This error is generated if an infant's record indicates that the parent supplies formula/food and the center serves a meal that contains two or more meal components (excluding formula/breast milk). Policy D.27b determines whether this error is generated as a warning or as a disallowance.

Error 105

Juice Cannot Be Served More than Once per Day to Non-Infants

This error is generated if a center serves juice to non-infants twice in a day. Policy M.14 determines whether this error is generated as a warning or as a disallowance.