Note: Before enrolling children as At-Risk After School (ARAS), make sure that you have set up the appropriate center to claim ARAS. For more information, see Enroll Centers for ARAS.
- Click the Select Center drop-down menu and select the center in which to enroll children.
- Click Enroll Child from the toolbar at the top of the window. The Enroll New Child window opens to the Child tab.
- In the Specials section, check the At-Risk Child box. This box must be checked before you can claim the child as At-Risk.
- Complete the remaining fields (marked in red). For more information, see Enroll Children.
- When finished, click Save.
Note: Children who are claimed for both At-Risk and regular CACFP meals are claimed as At-Risk first. Any remaining meals are claimed on the regular CACFP claim.
For example, a center is approved to serve regular meals and ARAS meals for the PM snack. A child marked as ARAS and claimed at PM snack is claimed as At-Risk for the PM snack. Any meals the child attends that are not approved for ARAS are claimed as regular meals (limited to two (2) meals and one (1) snack, or two (2) snacks and one (1) meal).