To enroll a center:
- Click Enroll Center from the toolbar at the top of the page. The Enroll New Center window opens to the General tab.
- In the General tab:
- Click the Center # box and assign a number to the center. You can enter up to four digits in this box.
- Click the Center Name box and enter the center's name.
- In the Center Site Info section, click the State drop-down menu and select the state in which the center resides.
- In the Center Business Info section, click the Profit Status drop-down menu and select Non-Profit or For-Profit.
- In the Center Basics section, click the Original Start Date box and select the center's CACFP start date.Note: While the fields listed here are the only required fields, we recommend that you complete all other applicable fields, including the director's name and email address so you can send a welcome email through the program.
- Click Next. The License/Schedule tab opens.
- In the License/Schedule tab:
- In the License Type section, click the License Type drop-down menu and select the center's license type.
- Click the Program Type drop-down menu and select a program type. You can choose from the following:
- Adult Day Care
- Child Care Center
- At Risk - ARASNote: Only select At Risk -ARAS if the center is At-Risk ONLY. If the center has both regular and At-Risk claims, select Child Care Center.
- OSCH - Outside School Hours Care
- Head Start
- Emergency/Homeless Shelter
- Summer Food Program (SFSP)
- In the Capacities section, click the Max Capacity box and enter the total number of children allowed at the center.
- In the Age Info section, enter the starting and ending ages of the children who can be claimed. The Ending Age box defaults to 13 years. This means that children can be claimed when they are 12, but not once they hit 13 (unless they are specifically marked as special needs).
- In the Regular Meals section, check the box next to each meal for which the center is approved.
- If this is an At-Risk/SFSP center:
- Check the At-Risk SFSP box.
- Click the At-Risk/SFSP # box and enter the At-Risk or SFSP program number.
- Check the box next to each meal that is approved for At-Risk or SFSP.Notes: If a site does both ARAS and SFSP, enroll them as two separate sites. For sites that do ARAS and have a regular claim, selecting meals here allows them to claim At-Risk meals.
- In the Meal Schedule section, enter a starting and ending time for each meal. You can type a single digit and press Tab. Minute Menu CX automatically formats the time for you.
- Complete the remaining applicable information in this tab.
- Click Next. The Oversight tab opens.
- In the Oversight tab:
- In the Directions to Site section, enter any directions ad notes on getting to the center. These directions are available when leaving for site visits.
- In the Center Admin Info section, click the Administration Type drop-down menu and choose from the following:
- Legally Separated from Sponsor: Select this option if you are a sponsoring organization.
- Legally Affiliated with Sponsor: Select this option if you are self-sponsored organization, such as a child care chain that does not disperse payment.
- In the Center Login Info section, you can update the center's log in ID and password to something easier, or you can accept the system-generated one. Click Send Welcome Letter to send a welcome email containing this login information to the center.
- In the Site Monitoring Info section, click the Monitor drop-down menu and assign a monitor to this system. If this menu is empty, add monitors in the Manage Sponsor User window. For more information, see Create Staff Accounts.
- Check the Pay Via Direct Deposit box to use Minute Menu CX to issue direct deposits to the center (Minute Menu CX creates the ACH file, which you then upload to your bank's website). If you select this option, you must select a bank account type, enter the bank account number, and the bank routing number.
- When finished, click Save.