There are two versions of the child roster in Minute Menue CX: a sponsor version and a center version. The center version displays all enrolled and pending children. The sponsor version displays all children who were included on the claim for the selected month.
- Click the Reports menu, click Children, and choose from the following:
- Child Roster
- Child Roster [Center Version]
- Select one of the following options:
- Selected Center: Print the report for the center shown in the Select Center box at the top of the window.
- All Active Center: Print the report for all of your active centers.
- Choose Multiple Centers: Print this report for centers you select.
- Click Run Report. If you selected the Selected Center or All Active Center option, go to Step 5. If you selected the Choose Multiple Centers option, the Center Filter dialog box opens.
- Set filters for the centers to include on the report. You can specify the status, start dates, claim dates, state, and so on. When finished, click Next.
- The Select Date dialog box opens. Click the drop-down menu and select the date for which to print the report.
- Click Continue.
- If you are printing for multiple centers, you are prompted to specify a sort. You can select Center Name or Center Number.
- Click Continue. A PDF is generated. You can save the PDF or print it.
Note: To display FRP rates on the center version of this report, set policy F.2 to Y.