Enable Individual Infant Menu Reporting

Individual infant reporting allows your centers to record menus for each, individual infant in KidKare. This not only may meet a state reporting requirement, but it also allows centers to account for infants at differing developmentally ready status. When you enable this feature, the Infant Menu set on the Daily Menu page in KidKare or in the Record Menu window becomes the default menu for all infants marked in attendance at a meal. Centers can then make adjustments, as needed, when recording meal counts on the Attendance & Meal Counts page in KidKare.

Once infant meal counts and menus are recorded in KidKare, you can print the Infant Feeding report in Minute Menu CX. This report lists the menu served to each infant at each meal for the day, and each infant is listed on a separate page. 

Note that individual infant menus do not affect claims processing. The default infant menu will be the menu used for processing claims and determining disallowances. The only claim error that individual infant menus affect is Error 103. Changes made to individual infant menus must be made directly in KidKare.

To enable this requirement:

  1. Click the Administration menu and select Manage Policies.  The Manage Policies window opens.
  2. Scroll to the M. Menus category, and click + to expand it.
  3. Set policy M.16 to Y.
  4. Click Save.

Infant Menus Video Tutorial

Watch the video below to learn more about how your centers can use this feature in KidKare. Note that this video covers a KidKare setting for independent centers that do not apply to your centers. This is clearly stated in the video. All other functionality applies.

Center Documentation

If you enable this feature for your centers, we recommend provide them with links the following Knowledge Base articles to help get them started with infant menu reporting: