Error Codes 38-66

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Error Codes in This Article

Error 38

A Meal Component was Missing from the Infant Meal

This error is generated when Breakfast, Lunch, or Dinner is missing one or more components, assuming menu edit checks aren't skipped per Policy M.02.

Error 39

A Dr's Statement has not Been Received for the Special Diet Child(ren) Served During the Month

This error is generated when a child is marked as having special diet in the Manage Child Information Child tab, but the Diet Statement on File box is not checked. This error is subject to Policy D.05.

Error 40

Special Diet Statement on File for Given Child(ren) is Expired

This error is generated when a child is marked as having a special diet in the Manage Child Information Child tab, but the child is claimed on dates that fall after the date entered in the Diet Expiration Date box (in the same tab) or if the Diet Expiration Date box is blank. This error is subject to Policy D.06.

Error 41

The Child was not Yet Enrolled as of Meal Date

This error is generated if a child is claimed on dates that come before the Original Enrollment Form Date/First Day in Care date (or the first of the month, depending on policy). This error is subject to Policy D.20.

Note: This edit check is skipped for At-Risk centers and the At-Risk portion of a claim for regular centers that also operate At-Risk programs.

Error 42

The Child is Not Yet Born as of Meal Date(s)

This error is generated if a child's birth date falls after a meal date. This typically would only happen if data is changed for a child after the child has been claimed.

Error 43

The Child was Claimed After the Child was Withdrawn from Care

This error is generated if a child is claimed after the date on which they were withdrawn from care. When withdrawing children, you enter an effective date, which is the last date a child can be claimed (if Policy F.6 is set to Enrolled and Policy F.6c is set to N or Not Set).

Note: Children stay in the system when being withdrawn. Instead of being removed, they are changed to Withdrawn status. This error is generated for all non-At-Risk meals if a child is claimed after the child's withdrawal effective date. This edit check is skipped for At-Risk-only centers and emergency shelters.

Error 44

A Pending Child was Claimed — No Signed Enrollment is on File

This error is generated when a center claims a pending child. Pending children are disallowed by default. These are children who were enrolled by centers, but who have not yet been activated (by the sponsor or by the center, subject to Policy F.2b). If you set Policy D.19 to Yes, this error does not generate for pending children unless Policy F.4 is also set to Yes. If this is the case, the child is disallowed by Error 62.

Note: This edit check is skipped for At-Risk meals for dual-licensed centers.

Error 45

The Child is Older than the Center's License Allows

This error is generated if the center claims a child who is over the age of 13 as of the claimed date. Migrant workers' children and children marked as special needs are exempt from this requirement. Also, children in At-Risk programs are allowed until they turn 18 as of the beginning of the school year (so they could be claimed at 19 in some cases).

Error 46

The Special Needs Child is Older than the State's Max Allowable Age for Special Needs Children on the Given Meal Dates

This error is generated if a special needs child is older than the state-defined policy for maximum age. There is no limit by default, but some states restrict participation to those under 18.

Error 47

Special Needs Child was Claimed, but Documentation is not On-File

This error is generated if a special needs child is claimed and the child is over the age of 13. This error is subject to Policy D.07 if the Special Needs Statement on File box is not checked in the Manage Child Information Child tab.

Error 48

The Migrant Child is Over 15 Years of Age

This error is generated if a center claims a migrant worker's child who is over the age of 15 as of the claimed date.

Note: This edit check is skipped for At-Risk centers/the At-Risk portion of a claim for regular centers that also operate At-Risk programs.

Error 49

A Child was Served After the Child's Enrollment Expiration Date was Reached

This error is generated if a child is claimed after the enrollment expiration date or after the current expiration date, subject to Policy D.01. The child is also excluded from counts if Policy F.6 is set to Enrolled or if Policy F.6c is set to N.

Notes: This edit check is skipped for At-Risk centers/the At-Risk portion of a claim for regular centers that also operate At-Risk programs. The Enrollment Expiration Date and Current Enrollment Date values are set in the Manage Child Information Child tab, subject to Policies D.01a - D.01d. If Use History is enabled, the Enrollment Expiration Gap and Gap Effective Date values are used.

Error 50

School Aged Child Served a Meal when Child Should Have Been in School

This error is generated if a child is determined to be school-aged and is served an AM Snack or Lunch on a weekday, subject to Policy D.02. This edit check is skipped if you indicate that the child is out of school for that day (check the Sick or Sch Out box in the Record Daily Attendance + Meal Counts window, or use the Manage School Calendar). Using the Manage School Year for At Risk calendar has no impact on this edit check.

Note: Each state has its own logic for determining what defines a school-aged child. For example, this could be children five (5) years of age and older as of the date of the meal. Minute Menu CX has been configured with rules specific to your state(s). Typically, but not always, you can also overrule this setting by designating a child as School Aged (and sometimes as participating in Kindergarten) via the Type/Level drop-down menu in the Manage Child Information Child tab.

Error 51

Child Served More than 2 Meals & a Snack or 2 Snacks & a Meal

This error is generated if a child is served more meals/snacks than is allowed in a given day. Minute Menu CX disallows snacks before a meal, and it disallows Breakfast before Lunch or Dinner to maximize the amount of money received.

Error 52

Meal Over Capacity

This error is generated if more children are claimed at a meal than are allowed based on the Cap value recorded in the Manage Center Information License/Schedule tab. It disallows children in excess of capacity unless you check the Waiver box in the License/Schedule tab. If this box is checked, this is only a warning.

Error 53

For-Profit Center Does not Have at Least 25% Free or Reduced

Any center that is not specifically designated with a profit status of Non-Profit (set in the Manage Center Information General tab) is subjected to this edit check. When determining which children factor into analysis, the system uses the same rules as to whether a child is participating. The relevant policies include:

  • F.4
  • F.6
  • F.6b
  • F.7
  • D.20
  • D.19
  • D.01

Policies F.5 and F.7b can also play a role.

Note: This edit check is skipped for At-Risk-only centers and emergency centers.

Error 54

Child Birth Date is Missing

This error is generated for any child who does not have a date of birth on file.

Error 55

No Blended Rate is on File for This Center

If Policy F.1 uses a blended rate (i.e., not Actuals), the system requires you to have calculated blended rates at least one time before processing the claim. This can happen automatically if you check the Calculate Blended Rates While Processing box in the Process Claims window. This can also happen if you use the Calculate Blended Rates function.

If neither has ever been done for a center, the system does not know what rates to apply to the claim, and this error is generated.

Error 56

Child Enrollment Date is Missing

This error is generated for any child who is missing an Original Enrollment Form Date/First Day in Care date in the Manage Child Information General tab.

Error 58

A Child was Claimed at a Meal that is not Approved on the Child's Enrollment Form/File

This error is generated for children claimed for a meal that isn't checked in the Manage Child Information Child tab, subject to Policy D.04.

Note: This edit check is skipped for At-Risk only centers, emergency shelters, and At-Risk meals for children enrolled in dual-licensed centers.

Error 59

A Child was Claimed on a Day of Week that is not Approved on the Child's Enrollment Form/File

This error is generated for children claimed for a day that isn't checked in the Manage Child Information Child tab, subject to Policy D.03.

Note: This edit check is skipped for At-Risk only centers, emergency shelters, and At-Risk meals for children enrolled in dual-licensed centers.

Error 60

Quantity of Food Prepared was not Recorded with the Menu

The system can be configured to allow users to record actual quantities prepared/offered at any given meal service via Policy D.01. This error is generated for any meal where a food doesn't have prepared/offered quantities recorded, subject to Policies M.01b and/or M.01c. Note that this error does not indicate any kind of adequate value has been recorded for these quantities, only that these quantities were not recorded at all.

Note: This edit check is skipped if Policy M.02 is set to Y.

Error 61

No Receipts are on File for Center This Month

This error is generated as a warning message only to remind you to enter receipts (if it is part of your process). This warning also displays on the Center Error report by default. The reason for this is to remind the center in case they forgot to send in receipts.

Error 62

Child is Missing an F/R/P Application

If Policy F.4 is set to Yes, this error is generated for children who do not have a F/R/P Reimbursement Level specified in the Manage Child Information Oversight tab. If Policy F.4 is not set to Yes, these children are assumed to be at Paid status.

Note: This edit check is skipped for At-Risk-only centers, emergency shelters, and At-Risk meals for children enrolled in dual-licensed centers, as these children are always reimbursed at the Free level.

Error 63

Block Claim Detected

This error is generated if a block claim pattern is identified in the claim. A block claim is any claim where the same number of children are served any given meal or snack for 15 consecutively claimed days. When block claims are detected, sponsoring organizations/back offices must perform a site visit within 60 days to verify that information submitted for the center is accurate.

Error 64

Meal Disallowed by Monitor

This error is generated for any meals claimed within a range of meals disallowed by the Monitor during a a center review.

Error 65

Count of Children Served in Review File is Different than Count as Recorded by Center

When you record a review in Minute Menu CX, you document the number of children served at the meal being reviewed. This error can be generated if this count is different than the count of children as determined when comparing the totals from Record Daily Attendance + Meal Counts. It is always a warning if the monitor sees more children than were recorded by the center.

It can disallow or warn children claimed in excess of the monitor's count, as determined by Policy R.2.

Error 66

Foods Seen by Monitor were Different than Foods Recorded by Center

When you record a review in Minute Menu CX, you can document what foods the monitor saw were offered by the center. If these foods are different than the foods found in Record Menus, this error can be generated as a disallowance or a warning, subject to Policy R.3.

Note: This edit check is not performed if no information is recorded in the Review or if Policy M.02 is set to Y.