The following Attendance reports are available. This list is not comprehensive. To access these reports, click the Reports menu, select Attendance, and then select the appropriate report.
- Weekly Attendance + Meal Count Report: This report lists weekly attendance and meal counts for multiple center or a specific center (according to how you filtered the report). Note that attendance for one (1) year-olds is underlined and in bold. This provides a quick visual reference as to how many children are in the one year old age group, since this age group must be served whole milk.
- Daily Attendance + Meal Count Report: This is a worksheet that can be used to record daily attendance and meal counts. This includes a space for parents to sign off on each day. Centers can also print this report in their version of Minute Menu CX.
- Blank Attendance + Served Meals Worksheet: This is the same report s the Weekly Attendance + Daily Meal Count Worksheet, only it does not list any children. Centers can also print this report in their version of Minute Menu CX.
- Monthly Claimed Attendance Only Report: This report includes claimed attendance for the selected claim month. Centers can also print this report in their version of Minute Menu CX.
- Monthly Claimed Meal Count Summary/Monthly Claimed Meal Count Summary ARAS: These reports list the total number of meals claimed for a selected claim month. Centers can also print these reports in their version of Minute Menu CX.
- Monthly Paid Attendance Only: This report lists paid attendance for a selected claim month. It also includes classroom totals. Centers can also print this report in their version of Minute Menu CX.
- Monthly Paid Meal Counts by Age Group: This report lists paid meal counts for a selected claim month by age group. It also includes totals for each age group. Centers can also print this report in their version of Minute Menu CX.
- Monthly Paid Meal Counts by Child: This report lists paid meal counts for a selected claim month by child. It includes totals for Free/Reduced/Paid meals, as well as At Risk Totals. Centers can also print this report in their version of Minute Menu CX.
- Monthly Paid Meal Count Summary: This report lists all paid meals for a selected claim month. It is broken down by meal type.
- Weekly Paid Attendance + Meal Counts: This report lists weekly attendance, broken down by attendance and meal. Centers can also print this report in their version of Minute Menu CX.
- Estimated Meal Count Summary: This report lists estimated meal counts for a selected mount.
- Monthly Paid Attendance Only: This report lists paid attendance for a selected claim month. It also includes classroom totals. Centers can also print this report in their version of Minute Menu CX.
- Actual vs Estimate Meal Count Summary: This report compares actual meal counts with the estimated meal counts, broken down by meal. Centers can also print this report in their version of Minute Menu CX.
- In/Out Times Daily Report: This report lists all child in/out times for the selected day. It also includes meal counts for each child. Centers can also print this report in their version of Minute Menu CX.
- In/Out Times Weekly Report: This report lists all child in/out times for the selected week. It also includes meal counts for each child. Centers can also print this report in their version of Minute Menu CX.
- Daily FRP Report: This report provides a Free, Reduced, and Paid breakdown of all meals claimed each day in the selected claim month.