Prepare to Process Claims


Change the Claim Month
Minute Menu CX tracks claim month-specific information independent of your computer’s date. This should be the month immediately before the calendar month (in most cases) and is the claim month on which you are working.  You can view the claim mont...
[VIDEO] Track Received Claims
The Track Received Claims feature allows you to see which sites have submitted claims for processing. Click the Claims menu and select Track Received Claims . The Track Received Claims window opens. The information in this window is divi...
Unsubmit Center Claims
If a center submits their claim but needs to edit it for some reason, you can unsubmit the claim for that center. If the center claim has NOT been processed, follow the steps below: Click the Tools menu and select Un-Submit Center Claims . T...
Understand the Whole Grain-Rich Edit Check
Child care centers/sites serving a meal or multiple meals in a day that include the grain component need to make sure that at least one of the grains served that day is whole grain-rich and indicate them as such in CX to receive the maximum reimburs...