

Enroll Centers for SFSP
Click Enroll Center from the toolbar at the top of the window. The Enroll New Center window opens. Complete all required information in the General tab. Required fields are red. For more information, see Enroll Centers . Click Next . The ...
Manage Centers Who do ARAS & SFSP
If a site operates as an At-Risk After School (ARAS) program during the school year and as a Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) during the summer, enroll the site as two separate sites instead of just changing the license type. During the summer, ...
Menu Planning for SFSP Sites
Entering menus is optional for SFSP sites that use KidKare to enter their claims. At this time, Minute Menu CX does not provide edit checks on menus for SFSP sites that have entered meal counts on KidKare . However, entering menus can still b...
Access the SFSP Feature (Sponsor)
Note:  In order to access the new SFSP feature from  MinuteMenuCX , you must first  upgrade   your  software to the most current version. Note:  You can now enter SFSP Meal Counts in KidKare .  Use this feature for any SFSP site...
Save SFSP Claims
Spot-Checking Meal Counts To spot-check meals: Log in to  KidKare   using your CX login credentials. From the menu to the left, click  Attendance-Bulk Entry . Change Meal Type and  Date  to reflect the data you want to see. ...