KidKare Messaging


Enable Messaging for Centers
Before you can use KidKare's messaging features, you must enable center messaging on the Settings page. Log in to . Use the same credentials you use to access Minute Menu CX. Click . The Settings page opens. In the Center Acc...
Message Centers in KidKare
KidKare's messaging feature allows you to send messages directly to your centers in KidKare. Your sites can then review and respond to these messages, allowing both of you to keep a record of communications online. Log in to . U...
View Received Messages
Received messages display in the Received tab on the Messages page. It is divided into the following columns: Received From, Subject, and Date. You can also see the total number of messages, as well as the number that are unread, at the bottom of th...
View Sent Messages
You can view messages you have sent in the Sent Messages tab. Like the Received tab, the Sent Messages tab is divided into the following columns: Sent To, Subject, Reports, and Date. The total number of messages and unread reports display at the bot...
View Message Reports
Message reports provide useful data for your sent messages, such as the number of recipients who opened the message. To view this report: Click . The Messages page opens. Click the Sent Messages tab. Click the link in the Reports column fo...